Discover how Lodgistica can help you reach your goals and build a better relationship with your constituents across America.
In a competitive luxury travel industry, strong personal sales relationships and highly targeted marketing initiatives make all the difference. Unlike most consulting firms which offer ideas without follow through, LODGISTICA takes a hands-on approach to generate appropriate revenue from market segments that are suited to your needs or branding of your property to your appropriate market segment. In this way, LODGISTICA brings years of hospitality management experience and relationship development to unique small properties that, otherwise, might not be able to afford this expertise. With a limited number of clients, the resort and hotels receive versatile, responsive, and personalized service that makes a difference.
Our services include, but are not limited to:
Experienced one on one training for sales, catering sales, and reservation staff.
Individualized Sales & Marketing Programs
Marketing & Public Relations
Online & Print Marketing Strategies
Sales and marketing audits and recommendation